The Lord Rana Scholarship

  • Scholarship No. 1

    Scholarship for students belonging to economically backward classes or underserved sections of the society.

  • Scholarship No. 2

    LR Scholarship for meritorious students for admission in both UG & PG Programmes.

  • Scholarship No. 3

    Lord Rana Sports-based scholarships

  • Scholarship No. 4

    LR Scholarship for State level achievers in fields other than academics or sports

  • Scholarship No. 5

    LR Merit Scholarship for Undergraduate Girl Students

  • Scholarship No 5

    Lord Rana Scholarship for Single Girl Child

  • Scholarship No 6

    LR Scholarship for COVID19 volunteers

  • Scholarship No. 7

    LR Scholarship for Children of Ex-Service Personnel  

  • Scholarship No. 8

    LR Scholarship for Siblings


  • Annual Scholarship Annual Scholarship funds are typically distributed the year they are received by Cordia Group of Institutes, or the following year. They are usually unrestricted and underwrite an existing scholarship program at the Institution. The minimum about of such a scholarship is $ 15,000 in a year.

  • Endowed Scholarship An endowed scholarship fund provides scholarship year after year from the portion of the fund’s earnings. By providing at least $50,000 in funding, you can create an endowed Scholarship Fund. You will be able to specify grade-point average, major or other criteria that a student must meet in order to receive your scholarship.

  • A gift to the Scholarship Fund creates a lasting legacy of support and funds for students now & in the future (Punch Line)


The endowment fund is the financial heart of Cordia Group of Institutions. In the face of economic change and inflation, the long-term vitality and security of the Cordia Group of Institutions depends on the growth and health of our endowment. Income from the endowment is used to provide financial aid to students, expand student-faculty research opportunities, continue academic initiatives, recruit and retain an exceptional faculty, and support programs in perpetuity. Your investment in the endowment is an investment in the future of our students.

Student tuition does not cover the entire cost of good quality education. Your support of the endowment is an important investment that ensures scholarship assistance for students, collaborative student/faculty research, and supports academic innovation in changing times.

Endowment support is a focused priority for us as an institution. To remain competitive we must increase the endowment for student scholarships, faculty positions, and building maintenance. Your investment in Cordia’s endowment will ensure that the Cordia experience will endure for future Generations.

Lord Diljit Rana


Education has an unrivalled ability to change lives, both for those who have the opportunity to study, and for those who benefit from their knowledge. Making knowledge accessible has been one of the founding principles of Cordia Group of Institutions.

Thus, maintaining our ability to change lives through access to higher education will depend on the philanthropic support for scholarships and endowment funds from various sources. By contributing to these funds you will be providing opportunities for a diverse and vibrant student community. You will be changing lives and enabling them to improve the lives of many others, at a time of uncertainty for all, and when financial limits may prevent many promising students from pursuing higher education.

Cordia Group of Institutions must have the resources to respond to changing trends in higher education. In order to remain competitive, it is imperative that the Institution embraces emerging technologies and new academic and research innovations. It is imperative that Cordia Group has the resources to attract and retain an exceptional faculty and a diverse and talented student body.

• Scholarship Scholarships assure the enrolment of talented students who would otherwise be unable to consider the Cordia experience without financial support.

• Faculty Recruitment and Retention: Cordia Group of Institutions competes with the best institutions in attracting outstanding teacher-scholars. Resources which provide competitive salaries and start-up funds to faculty are critical to our success.

• Undergraduate Research: Cordia Group of Institutions is nationally recognized for student-faculty collaborative research—it is one of our key distinctive. Research occurs across all the disciplines and is integral to learning at Cordia. Support will enable more students to engage in research opportunities and enhance Cordia’s national visibility.

• Spiritual Life and Development: Endowed resources enable the Cordia team to provide programs and opportunities that prepare students for the personal and spiritual challenges of today’s world.

• Preparing Servant Leaders: Endowed funds will ensure the continuance of excellent externally funded programs which helps students understand their calling. A new Career Development Center provides a value-added component as we prepare students to serve and lead in the world.

• Co-curricular opportunities: Similar to the Career Development Center, there are many programs that are integral to learning but are beyond the traditional curriculum. Through endowment support, Cordia is able to provide opportunities and enrichment experiences in international education and multicultural life that prepare students for a global society.


Financial pressures can deter gifted and talented individuals from pursuing their ambitions. One of the prime aims of The Cordia Group of Institutions is to make resources available to ambitious, creative and academically gifted students who wish to broaden their opportunities through University Education.

This cannot be achieved by the Institution alone, so it is essential that we attract philanthropic support. Our Scholarship fund is designed for this very purpose; it will enable us to set aside a fund to provide a secure financial stream and so ensure that we have dedicated funds available to support our students.


An endowment to the Cordia Group of institutions is a gift intended to permanently support the Institution. The original principal, or corpus, of the funds must remain intact and invested while its earnings support students, faculty or programs for the purposes that the donor designates.

Endowments allow the Institution to create and maintain excellence in academics beyond what can be accomplished from internal sources of funding. Endowments provide the funds for scholarships, fellowships, professorships, academic chairs, libraries, innovative technologies and programs that serve as crucial elements of student and faculty recruitment and retention.

Perhaps the most important aspect of establishing an endowment is that it allows the donor to accomplish their philanthropic goals directly while helping the Institution fund its initiatives. The reason creating a named endowment are varied: the satisfaction of supporting academic excellence; the gratification of furthering important research; pleasure of honoring a spouse, family member or colleague in a way that is meaningful to him or her; the comfort of memorializing a loved one with a living legacy.


1. Endowed Scholarship Funds A initial contribution of $50,000 is required to establish an endowed scholarship. A scholarship is considered endowed once it reaches a market value of $100,000.

2. Endowed Chairs

A permanent chair may be established through a one-time gift of $ 250,000 that provides in perpetuity the annual funds needed for its support. Alternatively, a chair may be established if funds are made available for a minimum of ten years ($150,000).

3. Endowed Professorships A contribution of $150,000 allows Cordia Group of Institutions to fully recognize and support our most distinguished faculty in innovative research and sabbaticals and creates a new faculty position.

4. Endowed Lectureships allow Cordia Group of institutions to continue its rich tradition of fostering debate and discourse on issues of the day. Income from the gift of $100,000 is used to attract nationally & internationally renowned and distinguished speakers.

5. Student-Faculty Research Funds A one-time gift of $100,000 encourages student-faculty research across the curriculum. They provide summer stipends to needy students and allow them to remain on campus to work with their faculty members on research projects. This is also used to offset some of the cost of the student in completing their degree program.

6. General Endowment/Named Funds Cordia Group of Institution welcomes support and gifts from donors who have other specific and designated gifts in mind. Subject to approval by the Board of Management of the Institution, donors will find flexibility and cooperation in creating endowments to fund opportunities that meet their vision. This endowment can be created through a one-time minimum gift of $100,000.

Invest in our most important asset – minds of the future.

Thank You for Your Support Thank you for considering your support for Cordia Group of Institutions. Your interest and philanthropic response to Cordia’s endowment needs will undoubtedly strengthen and sustain the Institution for generations. Through your support and investment together, we can ensure that exceptional educational opportunities endure at Cordia Group of Institutions. Endowing a scholarship, faculty position, or academic program, ensures not only the University’s financial security but also helps future students afford an education that otherwise might not have been possible. Through your efforts and those of so many others, we can help to assure the Cordia experience we know to be so vital to our world for future graduates. Furthermore, your investment inspires the confidence to continue to strike the balance of academic excellence and spiritual vibrancy that makes Cordia Group of Institutes a unique and special place so many of us hold dear.

warm regards,

Lord Diljit Rana